Welcome to our company Financial Advice you can count, on wherever you are.

Remember that our team is always just a phone call away. Toll Free: 0712 610 33 181

Our People Meet The Leadership Team.

Our people define our success. Their excellence, their entrepreneurship and their ability to work in teams are key to our high levels of client satisfaction and sustained relationship. We are all passionate and committed to deliver high quality services to our clients.

Larry Swank

Chief Executive Officer

Maria Ms

Chief Financial Officer

Daniel James

Vice President

Dave Jeffrey

Vice President

Matt Millen

Chief Strategy Officer

Anna Baird

Chief Information Officer

Matt Doyle

Chief Marketing Officer

Archana Ms

Chief Financial Officer

Wes Hather

Chief People Officer

Wes Hather

Chief People Officer

量子時空波科研中心(TimeWaver Promotion Center, TPC),主要是推廣TimeWaver量子時空波儀,以正向、專業與科學的態度,傳遞TimeWaver的專業知識與訊息,並分享實際的成功案例。透過化繁為簡的科普方式,屏除深奧難懂的物理論述,讓大眾可以輕易了解量子信息場的影響力,進而使用TimeWaver量子時空波儀,優化目前的現況與達成未來目標。

