Careers at FinLab Where Accounting Professionals Go to Learn, Innovate & Grow.

Remember that our team is always just a phone call away. Toll Free: 0712 610 33 181

Employee Benefits

We know that our employees are greatest asset.


We provide industry-recognized training and support that provides employees with a strong foundation of business knowledge and experience. That spirit of mentorship is exemplified by the passion and hands-on approach.


With credit for employee accomplishments and growth, an opportunity for promotion within the organization, competitive salary and benefits, and an opportunity to make a difference.


Growing Salary.

Who doesn’t want that! As you grow with a Finace industry, you can also expect steady promotions and pay raises. If you put in the time and hard work, you will be on your way to a stable career and great pay.

Remember that our team is always just a phone call away. Toll Free: 0712 610 33 181


量子時空波科研中心(TimeWaver Promotion Center, TPC),主要是推廣TimeWaver量子時空波儀,以正向、專業與科學的態度,傳遞TimeWaver的專業知識與訊息,並分享實際的成功案例。透過化繁為簡的科普方式,屏除深奧難懂的物理論述,讓大眾可以輕易了解量子信息場的影響力,進而使用TimeWaver量子時空波儀,優化目前的現況與達成未來目標。

